phpstorm许可证_PhpStorm 8发布-查看新功能并获取免费许可证
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Edit: the giveaway is closed and the winners have been notified. Thanks for participating!

编辑:赠品已关闭,获奖者已得到通知。 感谢您的参与!

This week marks the . It’s no secret PhpStorm has been a long personal favorite of mine after having won me over from Zend Studio, Netbeans and Sublime Text, and we’ve covered the tool extensively before, most notably with the by yours truly. By following the EAPs, we also taken a look at the before it even came out. Now that the day has finally come, let’s see what else is included, and finish up with a giveaway of free licenses.

本周标志着的 。 在从Zend Studio,Netbeans和Sublime Text赢得了我的青睐之后,PhpStorm一直是我长期以来的个人最爱,并且我们之前已经广泛地介绍了该工具,尤其是您真正使用的 。 通过遵循EAP,我们还了解了中的甚至还没有发布。 如今,终于可以了,让我们看看其中还包括什么,并免费赠送免费许可证。


PhpStorm 8的新功能 (New Features in PhpStorm 8)

Apart from the support for Drupal 8, multiple cursors, PHPUnit 4, remote interpreters, Markdown in PHPDoc, PSR4 inspections, ability to open remote URLs from the files referencing them and, of course, Behat support, several new improvements were made in the time since aforementioned post was published.

除了对Drupal 8的支持之外,还提供了多个游标,PHPUnit 4,远程解释器,PHPDoc中的Markdown,PSR4检查,从引用它们的文件中打开远程URL的功能,以及Behat支持,当然,在以下方面进行了一些改进:自上述文章发表以来的时间。



Laravel’s template engine, , is . Like some readers pointed out in the last “new features” post, Blade support was long overdue and Laravel’s popularity has been blowing up while PhpStorm seemed to be ignoring the framework. Far be it from me suggesting an IDE should have built-in support for every framework out there (where would we be now, bloat-wise, had they jumped on board with CodeIgniter or CakePHP and built them into the core?) but Laravel did kind of become the de-facto newbie framework (as in, most welcoming to newbies – don’t get upset!) and making its template engine even easier to use with out of the box syntax highlights, navigation assists and autocompletion will go a long way in making sure the newcomers stick around and don’t feel intimidated when they meet a templating engine for the first time.

Laravel的模板引擎 。 就像一些读者在上一期“新功能”一文中指出的那样,刀片支持早就该到期了,而Laravel的受欢迎程度却一直在高涨,而PhpStorm似乎忽略了该框架。 我绝不是建议IDE应该为其中的每个框架都提供内置支持(膨胀的话,如果现在加入CodeIgniter或CakePHP并将它们构建到内核中,我们现在应该在哪里呢?)但是Laravel做到了成为事实上的新手框架(例如,最欢迎新手-不要烦恼!),并使其模板引擎更易于使用,并且具有开箱即用的语法突出显示,导航辅助功能和自动完成功能确保新来者坚持不懈,第一次见到模板引擎时不会感到害怕的方式。

语言混合 (Language Mixing)

You could always easily write SQL queries in your PHP code in PhpStorm, and it usually recognized everything you wanted to accomplish rather well. Adding in dynamic values, however, didn’t always go too smoothly. In an environment in which you configure your editor to be very strict about standards and code cleanliness, a throng of yellow warnings in the right gutter can really annoy a person.

您总是可以在PhpStorm中轻松地用PHP代码编写SQL查询,并且它通常可以识别出您想要很好地完成的所有工作。 但是,添加动态值并不总是很顺利。 在您配置编辑器对标准和代码清洁度非常严格的环境中,正确的装订线中会出现大量黄色警告,这确实会使人烦恼。

Language Injection has now to better support detecting languages within languages. Go ahead and read the post – you’ll be blown away by the smooth workflow that is now possible.

语言注入现已以更好地支持在语言中检测语言。 继续阅读这篇文章–平稳的工作流程将使您震惊。

框架支持 (Framework Support)


Apart from Blade, actual framework support has been drastically enhanced too. This functionality is not built-in as it would not make sense to bloat the IDE that much, but they are all available . Just look at that list of offered frameworks!

除了Blade之外,实际的框架支持也得到了大大增强。 该功能不是内置的,因为没有太多的IDE膨胀,但都可以 。 只需查看提供的框架列表即可!

Behat支持升级 (Behat Support Upgraded)


In addition to pure intellisense for autocompletion of Behat syntax, the support for this BDD supertool has been further upgraded. You now have a full dashboard for viewing succeeding and failing tests rather than just terminal output, detailed step by step reports, run configurations you can define for various scenarios and conditions, and much, much more. Expect some intense Behat coverage on SitePoint soon, and in the meanwhile, check out their .

除了可以自动完成Behat语法的智能感知功能外,还进一步升级了对该BDD超级工具的支持。 现在,您将拥有一个完整的仪表板,可以查看成功和失败的测试,而不仅仅是终端输出,详细的分步报告,可以为各种场景和条件定义的运行配置等等。 期待很快在SitePoint上获得Behat的广泛报道,与此同时,请查看其 。

Z射线 (Z-Ray)


I mentioned this already in my monthly , but it deserves another mention. We in the Zend Server article from a while back, but there was no indication of them ever including it in PhpStorm which is, for all intents and purposes, a competing product (Zend Studio vs. PhpStorm, a clash of the titans if there ever was one).

我在月度已经提到了这一点,但值得再次提及。 我们在Zend Server文章中 ,但是没有迹象表明它们曾经包含在PhpStorm中,这从所有意图和目的来说都是竞争产品(Zend Studio与PhpStorm,冲突(如果有的话)。

The integration of Z-Ray – by far the most advanced PHP debugging tool ever created to date – in PhpStorm makes for a perfect blend of two of the most powerful PHP development tools currently available out there, and instantly transforms you into a significantly more capable programmer (if not developer).


In addition to this, the teamup resulted in a discount code for Zend Server, too, so you can get it 20% cheaper at if you use the promo code PHPSTORM.

除此之外,团队合作还为Zend Server提供了折扣代码,因此,如果使用促销代码PHPSTORM,则可以在使其便宜20%。

If you’d like to know more about Z-Ray and its integration with PhpStorm, see , and don’t forget to for a detailed course on how to get the most out of it, scheduled for September 23rd.

如果您想了解有关Z-Ray及其与PhpStorm集成的更多信息,请参见 ,并且不要忘记 ,以获取有关如何充分利用Z-Ray的详细课程的信息,该课程计划于9月23日举行。 。

阿帕奇·科尔多瓦(Apache Cordova) (Apache Cordova)


If you’ve been wanting to get into mobile app development with Apache Cordova, PhpStorm now supports this, too. It needs to be added in – PhpStorm tries to be light by default – but once done, you have the full power of a “works-on-every-platform-deploys-to-every-platform” IDE at your fingertips.

如果您一直想使用Apache Cordova进行移动应用程序开发,那么PhpStorm现在也支持此功能。 它需要添加– PhpStorm默认情况下会变亮–但是,一旦完成,您就可以拥有“可在每个平台上部署的功能”到IDE的全部功能。 。

To quote directly from their site:


“This integration also features a new project generator for PhoneGap and Cordova, and a plugin manager that helps you install plugins from the Cordova plugin registry or any other repository. The plugin can also facilitate your mobile development with Ionic framework.

“该集成还具有一个适用于PhoneGap和Cordova的新项目生成器,以及一个插件管理器,可帮助您从Cordova插件注册表或任何其他存储库安装插件。 该插件还可以帮助您通过Ionic框架进行移动开发。

If this kind of all-encompassing development power doesn’t excite you, you should re-evaluate your love of coding.


内置暂存和单个文件编辑 (Built-in Scratch and Single File Edits)

The Scratch plugin has long been used to give the IntelliJ based IDEs the ability to create and edit “scratch” files – throwaway files that belong neither here nor there. You could use them for single-file editing, as intermediary clipboards, as todo lists, drafts, and more. Basically, a non-project-bound text editor inside PhpStorm.

长期以来,Scratch插件一直被用于使基于IntelliJ的IDE能够创建和编辑“ scratch”文件-既不属于此处也不属于该地区的一次性文件。 您可以将它们用于单文件编辑,用作中间剪贴板,待办事项列表,草稿等。 基本上,PhpStorm中是一个不受项目约束的文本编辑器。

Also, PhpStorm notoriously never could edit individual files without creating a whole project for them. This, and the ability to open multiple projects in the same window are areas in which Netbeans has always beaten PhpStorm. With version 8, two out of three of the aforementioned problems are now solved.

同样,众所周知,PhpStorm永远都不能在不为单个文件创建整个项目的情况下编辑单个文件。 这种能力以及在同一窗口中打开多个项目的能力是Netbeans始终击败PhpStorm的领域。 使用版本8,现在可以解决上述三个问题中的两个。

The scratch plugin is now built-in, so you can write your scratch files at will. Furthermore, you can use PhpStorm to open and edit an individual file, without opening an entire project for it.

暂存插件现已内置,因此您可以随意编写暂存文件。 此外,您可以使用PhpStorm打开和编辑单个文件,而无需为其打开整个项目。


As a celebratory gesture of the v8 release, Jetbrains has graciously offered to give away three personal licenses to our readers. All you need to do is either comment on this article with your favorite new addition to PhpStorm or your opinion about the IDE (objectively, no need to praise it blankly), or tweet this article to a follower base of at least 50 while using the , and you’re in the draw. In exactly two weeks, I’ll draw the winners at random.

作为v8版本的庆祝之举,Jetbrains慷慨地提议向我们的读者赠送三份个人许可证。 您需要做的就是用您最喜欢的PhpStorm新增功能对本文发表评论,或者您对IDE的看法(客观上,无需一口气赞扬它),或者在使用该功能时将其推文发布到至少50个关注者 ,您就在抽奖中。 整整两周,我将随机抽出优胜者。

Are you using PhpStorm? If not, why? If you are, how do you like it, and what would you change, if anything? Which of these new features has the biggest draw for you?

您在使用PhpStorm吗? 如果没有,为什么? 如果是的话,您感觉如何,如果有的话,您会做出什么改变? 以下哪个新功能最适合您?




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